

Lazzerini, an “Oltre i Limiti” Company

Lazzerini has chosen to change the future of deafblind children by becoming an “Oltre i Limiti” company.
Oltre i Limiti" is a network of companies working in solidarity to help deafblind children and children with multiple sensory disabilities to move beyond the darkness and silence.

These donations serve to finance specialist treatments, local rehabilitation activities or early interventions to recuperate serious disabilities.

Today, Lazzerini is working closely with a deafblind child and their fami.

Lazzerini would like to thank the Lega del Filo d'oro for certification of its work, a mark of appreciation and collaboration.


© Lazzerini S.r.l. S.B. Viale G.Pieralisi, 21 - 60030 Monsano (AN) Italy
P.Iva 00091930420 - Tel +39 0731 60681 - Fax +39 0731 60449